Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

The Marriage: Need or Obligation

Marriage: A Bond of Love & Faith

The word marriage is the most exhilarating word of human life that brings a delighting smile to everyone’s face. Because it’s a turning point of our life that can change the course of life. It makes us complete with our other half. And gives us a feeling of completion and stability. With the passing age, we all aspire to our life partners with some special qualities that we do want in our dream world. There are fantasies of everyone that led us to search for a person as per our choice.

But do we think that all the people in this world are the lucky ones able to find someone as they choose to be? Most probably no, very few people in this world are content with their married life. The other ones have to have adjusted to the situations. The importance of marriage is told to be a very significant part of human life that decides our destination, our inner peace, and perfection. Being in a relationship, we come to realize the responsibilities and discipline of life. 

However, there are also some people in this world who deny the need for marriage to be essential in their life. They feel happier to be alone in this world. And are capable of finding themselves in perfection without being in relationships. Do we really think that marriage makes us stronger and more efficient? Or it depletes our potential of individual capabilities. The union of marriage tells us to be within the boundaries of society, where your freedom comes into question, and you have to live and worry about others.

On the other hand, in the other part of Indian society, marriage is taken as a concern of financial and social settlement, which provides security to human life. Being in an alliance, the person bears liabilities of family members that teach them to be in discipline and order. Most probably for the women in Indian society the marriage is a big concern because living alone for women in a country like India is perceived as being threatened for her, which makes Indian women more insecure to stay anywhere.

The question is whether marriage is essential or whether it is an obligation for future prospects. The first thing that comes with marriage is having progeny who can take care of their parents in old age. The other one is to get an heir for the assets they belong to. The third one is having a family who can remain together in every up and down in life. The fourth one is financial dependence. The conditions apply to be in a successful marriage, which makes the person stable in the social parameters.

The spiritual side of the marriage is that it’s a union of two souls, which is called to be soul mates who are compatible with each other in all aspects and feel a need for each other equally. If the life purpose and life goal of two people match equally, their destiny surely approves their life together. And it is a true fact that people feel much more secure, determined, and confident being with their life partners. 

But on the contrary, if they are not in healthy relationships, they feel a lack of control, dissatisfaction, insecurity, and setbacks in their life. If they are in a broken relationship like divorce, they go through heartbroken pain and anguish in their life. Resulting, they feel a lack of trust in everyone and lose hope in life, which makes them either more vulnerable or stronger in their decisions depending on their mental strength. The pain of broken relationships definitely destroys people’s inner well-being.

A few influential people presented the example of their individual strength being flourishing without in relationships like our prime ministers Narendra Modi, Former President Dr.APJ  Abdul Kalam, Former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Business tycoon Ratan Tata, etc. The people who live in an unhappy relationship in compromising conditions can have a lesson from these examples. Whether they can grow individually or need some support to be developed.

Most people in India from rural areas believe marriages as a necessary custom of religion and make their children tied a wedding knot in a very shortage, which further becomes a reason for unwanted responsibilities, diminishing their development and trouble of increasing population. Making aware these people about the disadvantages of marriage can be beneficial for the overall nation. Or providing some perks to unmarried people from the government side can help.

The conclusion is that marriage is not about just a social norm, rather it’s a personal matter of an individual, how they presume to be in a relationship. How many responsibilities and liabilities they can bear for the future. And with what terms and conditions they want to live their life. Whether marital bliss is the destination of their life or something else, they were born to fulfill the purpose. The matter is about self-introspection, not the social agenda. So the marriage is neither need nor obligation, it’s a personal choice to set a life purpose.

Friday, May 01, 2020

Relationships : Liability or Authority

Relationships Conflicts-
Affection with Attention
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

We are humankind, scientifically named as homo sapiens, known for relations, connections, dependability, affection, emotion, interaction and much more. As we called Man is a “Social Animal '' We cannot live alone and cannot make this world alone. Our family, friends and loved ones are important to us, and they play a special role to raise us as a person, what we are today. Our personality is individually developed as per our surroundings depending upon our family and environment, where we have been brought up as a child.

There are many relations in our life as a human mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter Uncle- Aunts as maternal and paternal basis. And much more specifically our life partner which we are open to choose as in our choices. We like to live life with people, who are of our liking and interest. We live in social boundations and are forced to deal with our own people.

However, there are few relations in our life, which become panic for us without our faults. Many times in our life we fall into unwanted relationships inadvertently, which we are reluctantly adopted by the times. More often in the matter of Life partners many people regret choosing our partner as not of their choice and interest. Sometimes in the pressure of elders or other circumstances we tied into unpleasurable relationships. Or sometimes it happens due to hasty decisions.

Furthermore, even our blood relations also hurt us, which creates so many hurdles in progress of life and peace of mind. People are tied into relations, whom we believe or trust, are not so promising as we think them to be. The relations pinch us a lot with expectations, demands and authorities. When we lose our freedom and joys because of others, ' liability or interference in our life. Even somehow rivalry in our close relations oppressed us to a level that creates so much anxiety and irritation.

While some bonds in relationships make us secure and stable, some around them create barriers to our independence and freedom not allowing us to follow our aspirations. We feel shackled in chains of this social system, which creates hurdles in fulfilling our desires and dreams. Depending upon the reliability of relations our worries and sorrows haunt us to not be able to follow our wishes. Sometimes We get to be so exploited or cheated in the name of relations. The toxic relationships eat up our calm and patience and make us weaker than actually we are.

The relationships work on the formula of give and take equally without self mean where mutual understanding is the most important part. Being sensitive towards others emotions and feelings, and respecting them matches our tuning to others cordially. The relations, which are just for physical needs never can let us feel the pain of others. The conservatism prevails in society in the name of culture and traditions lead us to frustrations and desperation because flight of our emotions or sentiments never want to get bound by the social obligations.

The base of success of any relation based on sacrifice for others by understanding their temperament and supporting them. It is necessary to get the spiritual connection between them. Everybody is hungry for love, care and share in life. And expects the same from others, whatever is being given by them.

But the problem rises in relations when we try to make authority on others in the fake means of relations. People get into relations on the name of society they try to suck others potential just for their own needs fulfillment. Relationships can never work until we don’t learn to give others space respecting their individual freedom.

We are born to live in relationships to pay our liabilities. Our first intention should be figuring out the reason to be in relation with someone, whether the relation is giving us happiness and positivity or creating a burden upon us to make it work. The relationships threaten us to be imprisoned in the barriers of society and customs.

There is no meaning of relations until they are not able to keep us happy and content. Bearing such relations suck our soul and make us so dissatisfying in front of others. Relations become strained if we impose our authority on others. No matter in which relation you are, whether it is blood relations, social relations or with your life partner. Our focus should be on fulfilling our liabilities for them without imposing authority. Because Authenticity of relations depends on what you have given as per your liability towards it, if you have fulfilled your own part then, you might have a little reason to be authority on others.

The relations can make our life heaven or hell. We should have freedom to make and break relations, which are not of our use, which are hurting and damaging to us, which deviate us from our true soul mission in this world and entangles us to do unwanted practices. Our priority is to keep our vision for life, for what we are born for, afterwards all social responsibilities need to be completed. We should never forget that relations come in our life as a fruit of our good or bad karma. We have to decide, whether they need to be proceeded or terminated.

when we throw out the negativity of the relationships from our life. We feel more joyful and content in life. The emptiness inside us creates more space to invite fruitful and healthy relations by enhancing our level of understanding towards others.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Culture Conflict: Indian Vs Western

Lifestyle Dilemma

The 21st century has started with the new approach for the new generation to change our ideas and perspectives of life. Being in the world of technology and digitizing our life we embarked on the new era of fast and furious lifestyle. There is no point to stop and look behind to follow the old concepts and patterns. All the world is racing with the time to grow and evolve as a successful human kind in their abilities and competence to be with nature.

But there are few constraints being in the social realm of society which prevent us from doing what we want on the basis of our beliefs and ideas. The conventional ways of our system, which comes to haunt us every step of life when we want to see the new turn or upside downside of the situation that is our culture, which creates the barriers for us, to be limited up to born to a community. No matter where we hail from but we all have desires, goals and dreams to touch the sky. These are the ambitions which fuel us to reach the heights.

Today in Indian society, culture conflict has become the main confusion in the mind of people where people are stuck in the fascination of adopting western pattern of living in society as to get more freedom, rights and advance to be in front every time. But our society is majorly divided in the two areas as rural and urban culture, where people coming from rural areas are still stuck in backward and regressive thinking competing with urban lifestyle in a superficial manner. 

On the basis of physical amenities and conveniences obtained they consider them to be more progressive but the truth is that refinement of our thinking pattern is more necessary   to adapt with every part of society and community. The entire world is connected to each other and theory of interdependence makes us live as a social human being. Though our intellectual decides, whatever is useful for us and not. 

The generations of different span clashes to each other for granting the permissions what is or what is not acceptable in the society. The young generation is completely influenced by western culture to work in a global environment finding themselves more efficient in a knowledgeable manner. However, the rural population is still uncomfortable to find western culture more suitable for them.  

Their minds get distorted and perverted through the brightness of urban culture where women can roam free, pursue their goals out of limitations of society and prove them to be side by side with the men. The people from rural culture who have always seen women under veils and in a traditional get up refuse to accept the women from urbanization approach and their lifestyle and unable to determine, the clothes can not decide the person's virtues and vices.

They criticize the freedom of women because the dependence of women on men is defined as moral and ethical for them. The conventional approach is so set in their mind that knowledge behind exploring the world is not their cup of tea. Their conservatism never let them do come out of well to analyse and see the picture with full wisdom.

And the repercussions come in a gruesome form of crime against women, which is the most worrisome part for the Indian government. People blame the western culture to reason for the divorces, individuality, crimes, and nuclear families. But the truth is that people are entangled in the web of lifestyle adopted from the western and Indian traditions both, where they follow customs and rituals of Indian but follow the western culture on the outer side. The clash of both creates chaos in the society. 

Because they are never able to analyse the depth of the matter, they don't take decisions with maturity and fall in the danger of breaking down in the relations. This is not the fault of western culture, rather it is the fault of self weakness in understanding the importance of moral and ethical values in our life, which we have to sustain with for our well-being.

People blame to the western countries for us to following them but the true thing, can we imagine our life without western culture, where from the use of technology in every area of life we are adopting their knowledge and ideas, This is the gift of western culture which has helped the women to come out of their shells and find their true identity, being independent and women empowerment. Now the women of India are equally participating in every area of society and making us proud of our country. Westernization has helped to break our traditionalism, orthodoxy and conventional-ism to make us stronger than before. So there is nothing wrong in western culture . The only wrong in our approach towards culture and our weaker mind sets, which we need to handle intellectually and wisely.

Monday, March 09, 2020

The Modern Young Generation

The Modern Young Generation
The Modern Young Generation
The Structure of Society

If we talk about today's generation, it directly indicates their energetic and motivational approach towards career and money-making.

Our young generation is much more tech-savvy, gadgets-oriented, socializing, and ambitious. They want to be successful and adventures in their materialistic lifestyle. They are glamour and fashion liking people with good sense of stuff choosable. They are facebook and whats-app chating buddies. 

However, in the real means we can't say their choices are significant for making new foundation for our incoming generation. There is very traumatic scenario behind all there liking's, choices and voices.

As we see recent conditions in India. Can we believe.......... 

1. Are they getting the right education in the right way? 
2. Are they good human beings for tomorrow's world? 
3. Are they going to build the right foundations for the future of this country? 
4. Are they able to really realize and analyse their own individual worth and so on. 
5. Will they be proof good ancestors and builders for their next generations etc. 

A scenario of oppression has been created by shortcomings and dark side behind their this attitude by seeing increasing distrust and impatience in their basic behavioral pattern. 

As we all know this is the era of fast technology and digitized world, our kids are born with this element of technology in their heart, mind and habits. They pursue the desires of materialistic world in cost of sacrificing their own affinity to natural powers of the universe. 

Their approach towards the world has become more hedonistic, The modern era has made them so much self-indulging and individualistic. That their sense of observing depth of matters has become obscure. They like to flow with the powers of mechanization. Their every moment of life has become slave of gadgets and objects related to modern technology. In the mundane matters it is really beneficial without doubt, but when the question comes of their own self made human inside them. It is ruined by the excessive dependence of technology. Because of these materialistic substances, the creativity and ability to mold themselves as per situation has become to diminish which makes them vulnerable to depression and desperation. 

The today's generation is out of sense of morality and humility. They have lack of patience, they have much more hasty, lusty and greedy actions towards material things. They are not going to sustain our cultural and custom values and do not have the right vision and perception about our civilization. They are blind followers of western culture resulting in corruption, agitation, violence and disorder in our today's society. 

We can't say here western culture is bad for our society, the western culture has also a power of changing the defecting pattern of society, which helped the people to come out of their orthodoxness and conservatism and become more flexible in the sense of globalization. However, the complication behind is the right way to imbibe the positive attributes of their culture and society. 

We should learn from the western culture their virtues of discipline, sense of independence, morality and humanity factors in our moral and social practices. How they manage to control the vices of human kind by making right rules, laws and orders by providing the sense of following them with complete civic sense in their basic habits and attitude. 

The unusual talent and abilities comes from the roots of open minded and dignified society which creates the wonders in the world and spread serenity and amiability in the entire neighborhood. We need to create the better structure of society with a healthy mind and body and most preferably beautiful hearts.

Conclusion is that our young generation is in desperate need of right vision, guidance, navigation and ideal leaders. Only professional education can't help them evolve from the adversities of life but the moral and social education is also needed in order to make tomorrow better for everyone. They need to be provided the right direction at the right time in order to utilize their full energy and resources for the better India.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Kids are Awesome

Kids are Awesome-
Kids are our future

Our kids are the germinating future and blossoming present. They are the real growing aspirations to make better to best tomorrow, They used to amaze us and delight us from their innocent talks, intelligence, and activities. In whatever mood we have they will cheer you up with their naughtiness.

The childhood part of life is a very sensitive part of our life whatever has been inculcated in the little age it manifests in the lifetime. As we grow older our memories come to fade but whatever we are being taught by the elders remains in our basic attitude. The development of children is a very crucial part. How they are to be treated to become a gentle people in life keeps a major impact on society. 

Even on children, everything from their surroundings makes an impact on their developing psychology which is a very delicate part. In some developed countries, there are proper laws, order, and guidelines about the upbringing of children, But as far as we talk about India, It is far behind about upgrading their subsequent part of the population, who are going to govern the society in the future.

In the foreign countries in their education system, they teach their children about law, system, order and human rights since their childhood. But in India, there is not such kind of concern are in awareness in the people. 

Sometimes it has been observed to very badly treating children, where child abuse, child labor, exploiting them in other ways by their own people also exist. This really leaves such a bad influence on their little mind in the form of mental sickness, distortion in their delicate, soft and growing mind.

Sometimes you can find the own parents or teachers put pressure on their children in such a harsh way like for in the name of studies, comparing them with others or making difference in their siblings on the basis of some skills and general nature. Which is completely unjustified, and these kinds of attributes manifest in the children in later age.  Sometimes result in creating criminal elements inside their mind. These kinds of stories also you would have seen in the movies where a child grows into a terrorist or criminal due to any bad incident that happened in their childhood.

A few years back the issue of corporal punishment in schools was so flagrant in the Indian newspapers, where teachers used to punished the children in so violent ways, which has been later controlled by the Indian Judiciary.

Today the increasing population in India is a very critical concern. Whereas the birth numbers of children increase the liability of the nation for making them available sources of life like home, shelter, food, education, hospitals-healthcare, employment, electricity, water, etc. So every child is born with their own essential needs and necessities. And lack of these resources create resentment in their own minds and creates chaos in the society. 

Find out the specialties in your kids that can make them content in life. Never suppress their hopes and wishes. Let them grow in their own free probable way. They are candid, original and natural. Believe or not our children are mines of unusual talent, skills, and potential. Never scold them, raise your hand on them or speak in a harsh way, their brain is really a soft target for anything malformed. Handle them gently. Discipline in kids is ok but not in the cost of their humanity shatters. Follow these rules and you will find the wonders of the world in your own kids.

Children have highly curious mind and they seek answers for everything whatever comes in their mind. So answer them smartly and intelligently.

If you really want to make your children proud in society watch the shows, TheEllenShow and India got talent, on the internet. pick for you what you want to be your children like becoming. They are most beautiful living creatures God provides you like little angels. Just love them, care them and nurture them safely and let’s discover what is hidden in your kids as the treasure of future achievements.