The word marriage is the most exhilarating word of human life that brings a delighting smile to everyone’s face. Because it’s a turning point of our life that can change the course of life. It makes us complete with our other half. And gives us a feeling of completion and stability. With the passing age, we all aspire to our life partners with some special qualities that we do want in our dream world. There are fantasies of everyone that led us to search for a person as per our choice.
But do we think that all the people in this world are the lucky ones able to find someone as they choose to be? Most probably no, very few people in this world are content with their married life. The other ones have to have adjusted to the situations. The importance of marriage is told to be a very significant part of human life that decides our destination, our inner peace, and perfection. Being in a relationship, we come to realize the responsibilities and discipline of life.
However, there are also some people in this world who deny the need for marriage to be essential in their life. They feel happier to be alone in this world. And are capable of finding themselves in perfection without being in relationships. Do we really think that marriage makes us stronger and more efficient? Or it depletes our potential of individual capabilities. The union of marriage tells us to be within the boundaries of society, where your freedom comes into question, and you have to live and worry about others.
On the other hand, in the other part of Indian society, marriage is taken as a concern of financial and social settlement, which provides security to human life. Being in an alliance, the person bears liabilities of family members that teach them to be in discipline and order. Most probably for the women in Indian society the marriage is a big concern because living alone for women in a country like India is perceived as being threatened for her, which makes Indian women more insecure to stay anywhere.
The question is whether marriage is essential or whether it is an obligation for future prospects. The first thing that comes with marriage is having progeny who can take care of their parents in old age. The other one is to get an heir for the assets they belong to. The third one is having a family who can remain together in every up and down in life. The fourth one is financial dependence. The conditions apply to be in a successful marriage, which makes the person stable in the social parameters.
The spiritual side of the marriage is that it’s a union of two souls, which is called to be soul mates who are compatible with each other in all aspects and feel a need for each other equally. If the life purpose and life goal of two people match equally, their destiny surely approves their life together. And it is a true fact that people feel much more secure, determined, and confident being with their life partners.
But on the contrary, if they are not in healthy relationships, they feel a lack of control, dissatisfaction, insecurity, and setbacks in their life. If they are in a broken relationship like divorce, they go through heartbroken pain and anguish in their life. Resulting, they feel a lack of trust in everyone and lose hope in life, which makes them either more vulnerable or stronger in their decisions depending on their mental strength. The pain of broken relationships definitely destroys people’s inner well-being.
A few influential people presented the example of their individual strength being flourishing without in relationships like our prime ministers Narendra Modi, Former President Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, Former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Business tycoon Ratan Tata, etc. The people who live in an unhappy relationship in compromising conditions can have a lesson from these examples. Whether they can grow individually or need some support to be developed.
Most people in India from rural areas believe marriages as a necessary custom of religion and make their children tied a wedding knot in a very shortage, which further becomes a reason for unwanted responsibilities, diminishing their development and trouble of increasing population. Making aware these people about the disadvantages of marriage can be beneficial for the overall nation. Or providing some perks to unmarried people from the government side can help.
The conclusion is that marriage is not about just a social norm, rather it’s a personal matter of an individual, how they presume to be in a relationship. How many responsibilities and liabilities they can bear for the future. And with what terms and conditions they want to live their life. Whether marital bliss is the destination of their life or something else, they were born to fulfill the purpose. The matter is about self-introspection, not the social agenda. So the marriage is neither need nor obligation, it’s a personal choice to set a life purpose.