Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Discovery of Soul

Souls are Everywhere
Where is our presence, it is in our body. And how we feel about ourselves. It is all about the body. Life is so mysterious it astonishes us every next step of life. We look for our identity, who I am, Do we recognize by our name, our parent's name, or via my dynasty? Or some of our achievements. It's all about myself. We have many questions raised in our minds many times that only ask for ourselves. Who I am, Why I am, We all are busy with our daily life patterns with everyday hustle and bustle and pass the time like flying on a rocket. By the end of the day, we sit and contemplate what we have gained throughout the day and what we have lost.

These all internal juggling of our mind look for questioning our soul. Today we are here tomorrow will be not. What will remain after us? Whatever is there is today. Tomorrow will be of someone else. These questions push us to peek inside us. And make us analyze and assess ourselves on an inner level. That makes us much more mature and sensible towards life and helps us to grow as perfect human beings. Our life has many chapters it is divided into segments. and every segment teaches us a new lesson and new experiences in life. That makes us much more deeply associated with our inner self.

The awakening of our soul starts from our thoughts and analysis. Our thoughts are the fuel for the soul. As we think our soul grabs it. The good and positive thoughts open the new door for our soul and bad and negative thoughts close the door of our soul. And our thoughts are our own, it is not imposed by anyone else. What we think, it’s our learnings from life. Our guiding sense makes us reach our final approval of thoughts. The soul is just an unidentified entity that can be only felt and realized, not touched or seen. But we all believe in the existence of that.

Is the soul an illusion, that makes us conscious of many things to be in relation with worldly matters and our existence adjoined with the cosmic world? The existence of the soul in our physical bodies is believed by every part of the world's communities. Who describes the soul on their terms of knowledge and cultural findings. After dying there is something still remaining, that is the invisible power of our physical existence and presence. It is said by the mythological theories that the soul is indestructible, it never finishes even after life, It can’t be burned, can’t be destroyed by any means. But works around life in our system.

Our soul is the basic source that provides us wisdom, discretion, and other mental abilities to survive on this earth. However, there is no proof of soul but still, we know the power of our consciousness that always reminds us to be awakened towards life. Our soul inspires us and motivates us to take steps to prove ourselves through the journey of our life. Our soul makes us realize the wonders and mysteries of life through our subconscious mind many times. The happiness within us nourishes our soul and sorrows and grief weaken our soul.

The strength of our soul makes us a winner in life by defeating the enemies of our inner mind and outer world. But when our soul gets weakened by any trouble in life. We lose trust and suffer from the pain of life. The soul is most highly affected by the impressions of the entire life. So the soul needs the power to be in effect to survive in adversities. The soul is the hidden part of our body but reflects its attributes through the exposure of our body's intentions and activities. Our soul tests us and we test our soul through the life instances.

Furthermore, examining our soul to be truthful needs great attention. Only our soul decides the path of our lives and helps us to succeed in our material and spiritual journey. Believe it or not, there is something inside every being that gives power to survive among natural sources by the movements. We believe in the presence of the soul inside every living being that holds them to fight for their survival and save them to be in their body. So the soul is not only the part of the body rather it's the subtle part of the universe that creates us and associates us with the power of the universe. 

Discovery of the soul does not end here. It has a long journey that is immeasurable and incredible. It depends on our ability to explore and find the power in it through our interventions. A lot of research and knowledge brings the core of the topic to light. The soul is not only in our body but it is in everything of the world that unfolds the power and energy of that. It is the smallest but greatest part of life discovered by the scholars of the world.

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

The Shield Of Time: Beyond the Limits

Measurement of Time

Past, Present, and Future. Our life is divided in the structure of time frame. Time is an illusion, time is confusion. We all know that things have to be finished one day. And every coming moment is a passing moment. But still, life is a sequence of dilemmas because we live life as per our perceptions, not as per instructions. Our life is about time management, which we go through on the basis of our plannings to accomplish what we aspire to. But our time manipulates us as per the resources that we accumulate or acquire.

Time is the constant which has to be calculated in every event of the universe. All the worldly pursuits we measure in a time frame. But is it true that our life goes as per our time frame determined by us? Do we have control over our time? If we make a schedule to allocate every hour of a day to perform a particular task. Will we succeed? Many people have gone through this kind of experience in their lifetime on different occasions when they realized that things were not happening as per their decided frame structure. They have their own way of completing as per the hidden aspects.

As per my personal experience, I have realized that time does not go with the clock, rather it goes as per our mind. Sometimes it is hard to wait for anything, even for 10 to 15 minutes. And on the other hand, we feel that time is flying like an uncatchable bird. It depends on our mental state, how we perceive it to be. The hard time passed by so many difficulties; however, pleasurable time flew like a blink of an eye. Even we associate time with our fortune, if we are going through positive events, we call it a good time, or if we are passing through negative aspects, we call it a bad time.

Time has no limit, it is infinitive, but our life aspects have time limits, and it is allocated in time slots. “Time bound us - we cannot bound time.” It is limitless. The stories of time travel indicate the men’s trespassing their own boundaries and reaching beyond the time which is out of their knowledge. The physical events are delusion and all prospects are Game of Time. Only time manages every occurrence of universal programs.

Our clock tells us the lesson of discipline and movement. But it cannot tell us how we need to make the destination. Our destination decides our limits, breaking points of flowing time which we are supposed to be stopped and stabilized. And these breaking points create the success and achievements that further determine the birth, death, or other incidences that happened in the physical world.

When we talk about Rocket-Science, it is also about time, which analyzes the microseconds to hold the power of technology. So life is all about the importance of time which is flawless, limitless, and endless. Our life is all about going through periods of time that have boundaries, stoppages, constructions, and destructions. History is about what has been created and destroyed over time. And the present is how we are trying to hold the time, and the future will be how we will recognize the time.

As per science, time is the evolution that has made us human from apes and resulted in a world of intelligence of subjects of civilizations, religions, and races. And this intelligence of humans has created borders and secure boundaries in the world as per their power and authority. If there were no evolution, the entire world would be united and all borders would have been open to everyone. And the differences would have not made us prisoners of our own limits.

In the end, the universe is created by time. And the time has made us the slaves in their hands. It acts and reacts in its own way. It creates us, destroys us, and manages us. Overall, we are the product of the time that is changing consistently and making everything transient. No matter how much we try to hold it. But it has the power to flow and transform everything. And it is more than anything that has limits.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Religion and Science: Either Believe or Discover

Do Your Research and Follow

Throughout history, religion has remained the main source of conflict amongst humans to prove their sanctity and authority. Religion always works on the faith of the people and science always works on the curiosity and interest of the people. Society has always fought for misconceptions on different religions according to their belief and grasp what they perceive from their experiences about the knowledge of the universe.

The human race is known for their sensibility about the matter of the subject. And they made efforts in order to make life much better than before. Whatever they learn from their social religious practices, epics, myths, they follow in their life as per their terms and conditions according to their capability. Our religion gives us a sense of security on the basis of doing righteous things in life, which is used to distinguish the good and evil, philanthropy and sin.

Religions have some protocol to follow, which makes the people’s community to go on a common path. It inculcates the discipline and order in humans to stay with virtues. It has sentimental and emotional connections to build in society and individual people, which creates either security or fear on the name of almighty the super power, which we believe to be our supervisor.  

Religion provides us faith to live with much more positivity and liberation to live with the hidden power of the universe.  The fear of death is also conquerable on the basis of religious belief.  The different religions talk about various ways cultures, customs and rituals to follow as per human tendencies, their needs and well being. All the religions have different mythological stories which teach us about human virtues and vices. The rules we follow of our religion provide us, a sense of being in accordance with the society we live in. The social system was created among humans to control their encroachment, disturbance and intrusion in other parts of nature. For example , serving other creatures can be the reason to protect everyone on this earth. 

By this kind of practice, religion surely helps us to maintain and organize ourselves among all creatures and nature. Religion helps us to explore and discover our hidden and unknown world with the spiritual powers, which we feel but cannot realize in the physical world. It makes us strong and secures from inside for the future prospects. Because it gives us a sense of protection from the destruction and annihilation.

However, as per the dark side of everything, religion makes the people more conservative and dogmatic, if they don’t have ability to stay with the truth and reality. And also some cunning and sly people play in the name of religion for their own selfishness and advantages by exploiting others on the basis of their faith and ignorance. 

Religion has the power to bring together lots of people in a community to pursue a single goal and also Religion has the base of human heart, mind and soul connecting with their own-self teaching the welfare of all the people. 

All the religions emerged as the necessity to civilize people, no matter whatever their mental ability. People can follow the rules and understand the laws of nature. We can align with the universe by taking the help of religion by adopting some spiritual and religious practices, whether we use our wisdom or not.

On the other side, Science completely works on the human intelligence finding facts and figures associated with the events. It looks for the logic behind different occurrences. It needs research to find the cause and effect of the happenings, The observation and analysis of the events before believing them makes the basis of science. Science can tell about the functioning of the matter but can not lead people to follow the right path. Science can also be used for wrong purposes. As we all know science and technology has been used to even destroy the entire world by making very high tech weapons. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing were the worst example.

Science has no sense of right and wrong; it only tells about the use of it according to human mind. It can make you reach the moon and mars. But it never can provoke your emotion and sentiment attached to other beings.It can make you heartless and mechanical towards other lives. Science teaches us to first discover, operate and then believe. Because it is only a matter of the physical or tangible world. 

Science has usability to make this world a comfort place to stay in favourable conditions with the use of the latest technical equipment. Science is a medium to help us in performing every task easily and efficiently. In today’s world we are already dwell in the use of technology everywhere in life. Where we cannot imagine even our life without it. Science seeks out a reason to happen anything.

But science also has its dark side which we are seeing today how much mechanical we all have  become. No doubt everything with which we are living today, whether its electricity, computers to aeroplanes has a great impact on our thinking pattern and lifestyle. But it can not rule our  heart, mind and soul. Because it tests our intelligence everywhere but can not make it place in human hearts to bring together people. However, it is making us more solo and individualistic to stay in boundaries of the self-comfort zone.

Religion and science have a very fair connection. If we look into all the religious practices done  by people, we will find the scientific reasons behind them to come into practice because of their positive impacts on our surroundings. We are still not able to determine what came first, Religion or Science. Because human knowledge is still not perfect to know the science and religion from their depth completely.

There are still lots of mysteries hidden in the universe, which science could not discover yet. We have found lots of information about the outer world, but our inner world is still empty which makes us vulnerable to unknown troubles. We do not know our existence before birth and after death. Until we live in our senses, we conceptualise many factors but when we lose our senses we are left with nothing. 

In conclusion, science and religion are both needed to improve human life for a better future. Religion teaches us a lesson of humanity, and science teaches us to go forward with more practical approaches. They both are right at their own place only we should distinguish them. It will reveal the secrets of connections between science and religion and tell us how to deal with them.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Know Your Destiny

Choose the Right Path Of Life
Find your Destiny

Why we are born, Why we die, Sometimes glad, Sometimes cry.

Our life goes in different segments after we born we fall in childhood when we know the things very little and in a trial of knowing things from initial level and as we grow older with the time we come to explore the things on a much higher level. Our surroundings teach us a lot about life. We come across different people in society apart from our family members and we learn to differentiate the things depending upon our circumstances. Every moment of life makes us much more mature than before.

Being as a social species we make our rules, lifestyle, guidelines according to people around us, We set our goals to our interests and choices.But we never able to recognize the force, which leads us to somewhere else rather than the goals we follow on our terms and conditions we wanted to be someone else and becomes something else just because we come across few events and incidents happen in our life. What is that real force called as destiny, which decides the destination of our soul, where we have to reach and what we have to accomplish in order to reach our destination?

What is the difference among common people and successful people, what makes someone failure depriving of their choices and what makes someone successful playing with their choices in this world. The primary force of the world the hidden powers of the universe lead us we all know and our beliefs prove the authenticity of the power exists around us. What we face in our life and what makes us to choose our goals is important. The constraints and obligations either stop us to reach our destination or to reach our destination depends on individual worth.

Without knowing the truth of life pursuing small desires can give us transient happiness. But achieving our determined goal makes us a real contented person. Performing well in our careers, making lots of money and establishing the family is also can satisfy us on the outer level. But our soul strives for something else, which needs to be recognized to be happy when we die.
Entangling in world affairs never gives us ample time to analyse and observe ourselves from inside. And we remain fight with the daily hustle and bustles and become unable to find our true destiny, which leads us to move with life. Life teaches us a lot and we learn the lot, but the dilemma is that until we learnt a lot, more than half of the life has been passed. The people become successful more early who recognize their destiny in their childhood and set their goals according to that. Sometimes their instincts and subconscious leads them to the right path and way to success. But what we can do if we come to realize our destiny so much later in  life.

We have to struggle a lot. Our aspirations, hopes and wishes will make us warrior to find our true self. Destiny is something which does not make us fight to others, but somehow it makes us to fight with ourself to go in the opposite directions. And In my opinion the most terrible thing about the destiny is that the relations in this social world. Our family ties and people around us more responsible to make us what we are in this world. If they are supporting and encouraging definitely will help the lot to find what we desire, but when we come across the people who betray you, exploit you and throw their negativity on you makes you weaker and failure in life.

It is destiny who decides what kind of people come across you.Surely the hidden power and force, which is responsible to work behind us without making us aware. The knowledge only can teach you the difference between right and wrong, What we have to keep with us and what we have to throw out. We cannot grow until we have positivity in our atmosphere or either in our will. That's  why it has been said everywhere to Be-positive.

If you want to find your real destiny your real will to flow with the power of the universe you have to come out of negative aura of people who deplete your energies to grow. Find out the people and things, which are not beneficial for you and immediately renounce them  from your life . It is necessary to save our existence to be aligned with the universe to find out our true destiny for what we have been born for.

The relations of this world are the biggest obligations in our life, which becomes a barrier to choose our own path. The social structure of our society always prevents you to grow and coming out of our shell. And the people who have power to revolt surely win the battle. So being brave, courageous, independent will open the doors of success by leaving the orthodoxies and conservatism behind and find a new way to align with the power of the universe. Because the universe has no limits, no obligations, no constraints. Its is open for everyone ones alike. One sun, one moon, one sky is same for everyone and “sky is the limit”. All the customs and traditions work for the social purpose not for an individual being. The Universe is open for everyone like infinite end. So choose the destiny, which is for your soul. keeps you  happy and contented life after life.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

In the Praise of Almighty

In the Praise of Almighty
Love to our creator
Life is short, and we all have a lot to do in this short life of span, to reach so far destination, fulfilling our dreams of life and missions. We all are here to take part in the race of our own mission. We are born, live and will die some day. But our achievements, attainments, goals, desires, crushes keeps us going with the life. We don't know tomorrow, but we still live, plan and save for future. We look for everyday a new opportunity to expose to be life in a novice way.
Today is a wonderful day for me to be delighted to commence my new venture to divulge my own thoughts and views on the realities of human life. Whatever we see around it gives us some new sense to be here. Our experiences, knowledge and discoveries generate the excitement of our life. So here are few words in the praise of almighty, a new start in the pursuit of finding a gist of life.
Oh, Almighty My Lord 
  • We have not seen, We have not heard, We have not touched,

  • but we feel you in every moment, and every speck of life.

  • We believe you, we pray you and fear you,

  • Whether earth or sky, water or fire, air or space,

  • East or West, North or South, up to the sky and down to the earth

  • Our pursuit of life begin and end up with you.

  • I seek your blessings everywhere, please be with me, hold my hand and take me to cross the journey of life to reach you gladly.

  • My hopes and wishes are burning like moments of ashes. Please take me with you here and forever.
Thank You GOD 
My blogs are about discussions on miscellaneous topics concerning the reality of the world. I will try to showcase something untold and concealed which is worth pondering. Please give me your piece of inspiration and motivation to create something new and prodigious for everyone.

Friday, March 06, 2020

Materialism Vs Spiritualism

My Topic is today about Joys and Sorrows of life. Which comes from our materialistic and spiritualistic approach.

Materialism Vs Spiritualism
Joys and Sorrows

Are we real human, we see ourselves as part of living creatures of nature who are most intelligent amongst all other creatures. So what makes us different from other creatures is that wisdom or materials of the world where we indulge it. All the creatures have one common fight for saving their existence on this earth. The issue for other creatures is quite simple finding their shelter, food and rest. But in human life there is no rest because the rat race of life never lets us sit and contemplate on ourselves. Since we are born as early as we grow up in our senses we begin to lure with the attractions of the world. Our desires started to come out of us like stalks begin to come out of the trees. Our demands come out since childhood craving for physical elements.

We get into the struggling efforts of establishing our life as a successful person without knowing the essence of the matters. Our association to this social world is so strong, which never lets us liberate our souls from the labyrinth of temptations. One after another new temptation surrounds us with new obsessions.  These temptations and obsessions becomes havoc for us when we are unable to fulfill them, then we come to realize the truth and peek inside us, what the hell I am doing in this world.

Until our life flows in the direction of current we feel pleasure, joys and happiness, but as our life begins to flow in the opposite direction of the wind then we awake and realize the truth of nature hidden inside us. And then the door of the spiritual world opens for us. Even if we are able to fulfill all our desires, we sometimes feel detachment and boredom of the everyday regime of human life.  And feel a need to flow in the direction of abstaining materialistic world to find peace, calm and tranquility for our inner self.

Our knowledge, interests and choices lead us to determine the path of life for ourselves. We strive and struggle everyday to reach our shortened goals in price of losing our energies and stamina to attain them. Our achievements give us happiness, pride, but what we lose pinched us a lot.  This pain of losing makes us vulnerable to sorrows. 

Our curiosities towards worldly objects creates interest inside us. And our entanglement to these interests always keeps our souls in bondage. We try to find peace here and there, but after keeping searching we came back to the same point. Because we don't know the exact path to tranquilize our soul. 

Can our desires be the path of attaining peace and liberating our souls. Somehow, It is positively yes, Because unless or until our desires don’t get to fulfill we used to wander in a world of fantasies. And never been able to find the true meaning of our life. The churning of our desires with the truths of the world brings out the realities and knowledge out from us. And makes us mature to understand the severity of the worldly pleasures. That's why as we grow older, our minds become stronger towards emotions and dilemmas of life which is the outcome of our experiences obtained from the various segments of life.

However, the world never ends, but we will end up with our visions and missions. No matter wherever we reach we have to finish with our set of goals. So materialism teaches us to dive in desires explore them, churn them and find out the essence of life with the real meaning in the form of spirituality, which decides for us the path of our soul’s liberation and peace. So the materialistic pleasures opens up the door to spirituality after being scrutinized by the juggling up with the physical arrangements of nature and hidden aspects of nature which we unfold from the secrets of nature.

Monday, March 02, 2020

Fantasies Vs Realities

Fantasies Vs Realities
Truths and Lies

My blogs are about the realities of the world. The truth behind the bars comes out like water, and the mirror never tells a lie.
People live their entire lives in search of comforts, luxuries, and pleasures. But life is simply driven by the truth of struggles, pains, hassles, ups and downs, grievances, sorrows as well. Nobody can escape the sufferings of nature in a lifetime. Since childhood, we have been hooked up with our needs and greed for materialistic things. Whatever pleasurable we look around us, we wish to get it so fast, But the reality is completely different. It matters whether you are able to fulfill your wishes or not. If your wishes easily get fulfilled you feel happy but if they haven’t you feel disappointed and dismay. And our mind never got ready to admit these failures resulting in us feeling depressed and low spirited. The pain of losing something pinch into our hearts like needles. And that is the face of life we drown in sadness.

The pain comes into our lives in order to realize the importance of self-awakening over materialistic substances. What if everything we wish to get at the time without any efforts and hard work. There will be no concern about the usability of the things for us. And craze, curiosity, and interests of the things will get diminished. But if we get something by putting lots of hard work and time-consuming. Then we got into the heart of the matter that nothing is easy and every bit of the world is so expensive. We have to pay the price for the happiness and fulfillment of our desires.

For example, you become paranoid to get someone in your life because you love it. And you can easily get them in your life in a single attempt. Then most of the chances after getting them, you feel the boredom of the person and try to find out happiness in someone else. So unless you don’t get the person you loved, it was the fantasy for you but as soon as you get the person easily you face the reality of the love. And most probably fall into the danger of a broken heart.

We need to acknowledge that nothing in this world is completely a hundred percent perfect and pleasurable. If there is something positive than negative is also inevitable. The universe is a combination of both kinds of energy. If there are deities then demons also exist. If there are flowers, then thorns also exist. We have to recognize the properties hidden in the source of nature by which we are made. If the joys are part of life, then sorrows are also a part of them.

However, sometimes we feel like things are not falling at the right place even after our all well doings. And nature is unjustified with us. But the truth behind is how far can we see. Our vision is so short as compared to how the universe works in their order. Because it reflects the effects in long durations of time even centuries. That’s why we believe in the theory of karma and reincarnation. Whatever happens in the present can be the effect of the past. And can be the cause for tomorrow.

Fantasies fetch us, towards which is transitory and superficial. But the universe serves us what we deserve it. That’s why many times we feel distracted from our own path that we have chosen for us. Fantasies of the world attract us, lure us towards whatever is an illusion or ephemera, but realities make our rendezvous with the solid truths. If the fantasies teach us to fly in the dreamy sky, then reality teaches us to be keeping our feet on the earth. Sometimes we become cinematic and begin to weave the dreams of wonderland which are unable to reach us and become the cause of sorrow by yourself. So it's better for us to accept the realities as pure as water rather than diving into the fantasies of the world which are quite far from our reach. So that it will surely create contentment inside us. And will help us to find the true meaning of life.